1st Welford

Stratford on Avon District Scout Groups

Report from the Chair

Our youngsters had a busy November and December. At the start of November, Yvette from St Peter’s Church came along to Beavers at the Long Marston Village Hall, before whizzing back to Welford to welcome the Cubs and then Scouts to their meetings at St Peter’s Church.

Yvette was amazing with the youngsters, speaking about the meaning of remembrance with the Scouts, Cubs and Beavers, tailoring the conversations and activities to the different age groups. Our Beavers then made poppies to place on the Maypole Green.

Despite the awful weather there was a good turn-out for the Remembrance Sunday Service. Our youngsters were a very positive representation of the Scout Group with their excellent behaviour both on the marches to and from the Church and during the service.

In order to achieve their Chief Scout’s Gold Award (the highest award in Scouts), our Scouts must earn various badges including their Personal Challenge Award. For this Award, Scouts need to complete two personal challenges which they and their leaders agree on – the Scouts choose one of the challenges and their leaders choose the other. The challenges should be things that the Scouts find difficult to do but which can be overcome with some effort and commitment.

The challenge chosen by our Scout Leaders was for the Scouts to plan, prepare for and then carry out a fund raising activity. Our Scouts chose to do an evening of entertainment for their parents and siblings, with refreshments. So, after much practising of carols, devising of quiz questions and cooking of cakes, the Scouts held a great evening in December, raising £100 for the MND Association, their chosen charity.

Meanwhile our Cubs have been earning their Chef Activity Badges, cooking (and eating!) jacket potatoes, rocky road and chocolate crispy cakes. They also learned about hygiene in cooking, how to wash up and the importance of washing their hands and cleaning surfaces. The Cubs played lots of games, made Christmas themed decorations and had a fun final session of the term watching movies.

Our Beavers’ meetings had an international theme – singing Frere Jacque in the round, Beavers demonstrating their knowledge of how to say hello in many different languages and learning about Beavers in other countries. The session where our Beavers tried food from France, Mexico and India proved very popular! 

Maria Smith (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

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Stratford District Executive Contacts

District Chair: Tony Guy Chair@stratfordscouts.org.uk

 District Commissioner:  dc@stratfordscouts.org.uk


For membership enquiries, please see the contacts on the Groups pages.